
  • Web Hosting & Domains
  • Bulk SMS for Functions
  • Software Development
  • Training & Consultancy
  • General ICT Procurement
  • Dynamic Website Designing
© 2010 Danna Technologies Uganda. All Rights Reserved.
DTU Host  :::  P. O. Box 26754, Kampala (U),   Tel: +256-774-426260/ +256-702-426260,   Email:
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Welcome to Danna Technologies Uganda - HOSTING :::

Danna Technologies Uganda, is an advanced Information & Communication Technology (ICT) company; a Professional Services Firm that enables its clients to achieve high-impact business results that "meet international standards"
Q:   How do I register a domain?
A:   You can contact us for a domain package by simply filling out the comments form or write to us an email or call us on the numbers provided. Specify the desired name or come to us for advice.

Q:   What sort of name can I register?
A:   Anything! Basically no restriction exists with the selection of your name. The intention should be to register a domain name that indicates your service and which contents could be found there. The registration of country names and city names as well as under other Toplevel domains of relevantly well-known supplies is only admissible after previous inquiry.

Q:   Why a domain from Danna Technologies?
A:   With DT Uganda, you forget long and difficult-to-remember internet addresses like http://user.providername/SiliconValley/your-name/index.html, hard for someone to note.

Q:  Can the domain be accessed with or without the "www" prefix?
A:   Yes! With or without the "www" prefix, your domain will still be accessible. Whether the browser displays  or  will point to the same place.

Q:   Can I point my domain to a directory or a certain file?
A:  Yes! Your domain can point to any directory or file within your site.

Q:   Your question is not answered?
A:   For further questions or comments, please  press CONTACT US and go to the contact information.

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  • +256 - 702 - 426 260
  • +256 - 712 - 167 992
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